Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Save Windows Movie Maker as HD in Windows 7

Windows 7 users have some problem to save Windows Movie Maker (WMM) video as High Definition (HD) format such as HD 1280x720, HD 1440x1080, HD 1920x1080 or HD 960x720 just like in the Windows Vista. So, HOW-TO HOUSE  want to share tutorial how to save Windows Movie Maker as HD video in Windows 7. So, let's start guys.

But first, you need to download :

1. Of course WMM. You can get it here. Download Windows Movie Maker 6.0 (Latest Version) :

WMM 6.0 for x32 bit operating system

WMM 6.0 for x64 bit operating system

2. WMM HD Plugin

3. WMM HD dll.bat

How to :

1. Run WMM HD

2. Then, extract WMM HD Plugin. Copy the Profiles folder into this Directories :
C:\Program Files\Windows Movie Maker 6.0\Shared

3. Paste the files into Shared folder.

4. You're almost done. Open your WMM 6.0. Try to create any video then publish. To publish in HD, press CTRL + P. That's the trick. [Important]

5. Then, the options to save as HD ready to work for you.

6. That's all. ENJOY!

Video tutorial :

Is this tutorial helpful? Recommend it! For further question, just drop your comment.

Ditulis Oleh : silent screamer // 1:00 PM


  1. thx a lot !
    lma da aku cri software tu..

  2. Excellent tutorial thanks a lot for share, I really like hd because I have all the system you need for hd, thanks for the tuto.

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