Monday, January 23, 2012

How To Create a Fake PC Virus

Wanna make some fun with your friends? How about create a fake virus and put it their desktop. Wait and see their reaction. LOL.

X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title")

1. You can write any number from 1,2,3 or 4 instead of 0 (before the '+' symbol) and here is the meaning of these numbers:

0 = OK Button,
1 = OK / Cancel Button,
2 = Abort / Retry / Ignore Button,
3 = Yes / No / Cancel Button,
4 = Yes / No Button,

2. You can write 32 or 48 or 16 instead of 64. Here is the meaning of each number:

16 = Critical Icon,
32 = Help Icon,
48 = Warning Icon,
64 = Information Icon,

Make sure you add ".vbs" after the name.

Finish. Have fun. :)

credit: HatifHammad

Ditulis Oleh : silent screamer // 12:45 AM


  1. Start button > all programs > right click "startup" folder & open > copy/paste ur .vbs file > restart pc!





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